
Forskingsgruppe for OCD og angstlidingar

Forskingsgruppa har fokus på klinikknær og translasjonell forsking knytt til angst, tvangslidingar og andre relaterte område.

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Gruppa har fokus på klinikknær og translasjonell forsking knytt til angst, tvangslidingar og andre relaterte område.

Kristen Hagen, PhD (forskingsgruppeleiar, psykologspesialist, førsteamanuensis NTNU)

Kristian August Tjelle (psykologspesialist, PhD-kandidat)

Thorstein Olsen Eide (psykolog, PhD-kandidat)

Håvard Berg Opstad (psykologspesialist, PhD-kandidat)

Tjelle KOpstad HB, Solem S, Kvale G, Wheaton MG, Björgvinsson T, Hansen B, Hagen K. (2024).  Patient adherence as a predictor of acute and long-term outcomes in concentrated exposure treatment for difficult-to-treat obsessive-compulsive disorder. BMC Psychiatry.

Hansen B, Eide TO, Reiråskag MA, Tjelle KA, Solem S, Hagen K. (2024). The Bergen 4-day treatment for social anxiety disorder: a pilot study. BMC Psychiatry.  

Skjold SH, Hagen K, Wheaton MG, Hjelle KM, Björgvinsson T, Hansen B. (2024).  The effectiveness and acceptability of the Bergen 4-day treatment for adolescents with OCD: a replication and extension. BMC Psychiatry.  

Kim BG, Kim G, Abe Y, Alonso P., (...), Hagen K, (...), Cha J. (2024). White matter diffusion estimates in obsessive-compulsive disorder across 1653 individuals: machine learning findings from the ENIGMA OCD Working Group. Molecular Psychiatry.  

Hjelle KM, Eide TO, Thorsen AL, Kvale G, Hagen K, Snorrason I, Björgvinsson T, Hansen B. (2023) The Bergen 4-day treatment for panic disorder: adapting to COVID-19 restrictions with a hybrid approach of face-to-face and videoconference modalities.  BMC Psychiatry.  

Bertolín, S., Alonso, P., Martínez-Zalacaín, I.,(...), Hagen, K., (…) & Soriano-Mas, C. (2022). Right Prefrontal Cortical Thickness is Associated With Response to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Children With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Bruin, W. B., Abe, Y., Alonso, P., (..) Hagen, K., (…), Group, E.-O. W. (2023). The functional connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder: resting-state mega-analysis and machine learning classification for the ENIGMA-OCD consortium. Molecular Psychiatry.

Eide, T. O., Hjelle, K. M., Sætre, I. U., Solem, S., Olsen, T., Sköld, R. O., Kvale, G., Hansen, B., & Hagen, K. (2023). The Bergen 4-day treatment for panic disorder: implementation in a rural clinical setting. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1), 305.

Hagen, K., Solem, S., Stavrum, A. K., Eid, J., Kvale, G., Samdal, O., & Le Hellard, S. (2023). Changes in mental health symptoms from April (COVID-19 outbreak) to December 2020 in Norway: A two-wave study. Cogent Psychology, 10(1), 2173998.

Iversen, H. M., Eide, T. O., Harvold, M., Solem, S., Kvale, G., Hansen, B., & Hagen. K. (2022). The Bergen 4-Day Treatment for Panic Disorder: Replication and implementation in a new clinic. BMC Psychiatry

Grøtte, T, Hagen, K., Eid, J., Kvale, G., le Hellard, S., & Solem, S. (2022). Changes in contamination-related obsessions and compulsions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Norwegian longitudinal study. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

Lassen, E. R., Hagen, K., Kvale, G., Eid, J., Le Hellard, S., & Solem, S. (2022). Personality traits and hardiness as risk-and protective factors for mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Norwegian two-wave study. BMC Psychiatry,

de Joode, N., Thorsen, A., Vester, E., Vriend, C., Pouwels, W., Hagen, K., Ousdal. O.T., Hansen, B., Kvale, G. & van den Heuvel, O (2021). Longitudinal changes in neurometabolite concentrations in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex after concentrated exposure therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders

Hagen, K,  Solem, S., Stavrum, Eid, J., Kvale, G., Samdal., O., & Le Hellard, S. (2021) Mental health symptoms during the first months of the COVID-19 outbreak in Norway: A cross-sectional survey study. Scandinavian Journal of Mental Health

Unnarsdottir, A. B., Lovik, A., (…) Hagen, K., (…), & Valdimarsdottir, U. (2021). Cohort Profile: COVIDMENT: COVID-19 cohortson mental health across six nations International Journal of Epidemiology

Hagen, K., Nordahl, H., Launes, G., Kvale, G., Öst, L-G. Hystad, S., Hansen, B., & Solem, S. (2021) Does Concentrated Exposure Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Improve Insomnia Symptoms? Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry

Tjelle, K., Opstad, H., Solem, S., Launes, G., Hansen, B., Kvale, G., & Hagen, K. (2021) Treatment adherence as predictor of outcome in concentrated exposure treatment for Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Frontiers in Psychiatry

Brecke, V., Thorsen, A., Ousdal., O. T., Vriend, C., Alnæs, D., Hagen, K., Hansen, B., Kvale, G., & van den Heuwel, O. (2021) Diffusion Tensor Imaging Before and 3 Months After Concentrated Exposure Response Prevention in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry

Hagland, P., Thorsen, A. L., Ousdal, O. T., Gjestad., R., De Wit., S. J., Hagen, K., Hansen, B., Kvale, G., & Van Den Heuvel., O. (2021). Disentangling within-and between-person effects during response inhibition in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry

Westad, Y. A. SHagen, K., Jonsbu, E., & Solem, S. (2021). Cessation of Deliberate Self-Harm Behavior in Patients With Borderline Personality Traits Treated With Outpatient Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Frontiers in Psychology

Kallestad, H., Saksvik, S. B., (..) Hagen, K. (…) & Scott, J. (2021). Digital cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia compared with digital patient education about insomnia in individuals referred to secondary mental health services in Norway: Protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open

Maridal, H. K. Bjorgaas, H., Bjorgaas, M., Hagen, K., & (…) & Dørheim, S. (2021) Psychological Distress among Caregivers of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Nepal, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Havnen, A., Anyan, F., Hjemdal, O., Solem, S., Riksfjord, M. G., & Hagen, K. (2020). Resilience moderates negative outcome from stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: A moderated-mediation approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Thorsen, A. L., de Wit, S. J., Hagland, P., Ousdal, O. T., Hansen, B., Hagen, K., Kvale, G., & van den Heuvel., O. A. (2020). Stable inhibition-related inferior frontal hypoactivation and fronto-limbic hyperconnectivity in obsessive–compulsive disorder after concentrated exposure therapy. NeuroImage: Clinical

Thorsen, A. L., Vriend, C., de Wit, S. J., Ousdal, O. T., Hagen, K., Hansen, B., (...), & van den Heuvel, O. A. (2021). Effects of Bergen 4-day treatment on resting-state graph features in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging,

Kvale, G., Hansen, B., Hagen, K., Abramowitz, J., Børtveit, T., Craske, M., (…) & Öst, L-G. (2020). Effect of D-Cycloserine on the Effect of Concentrated Exposure and Response Prevention in Difficult-to-Treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open

Launes, G., Hagen, K., Öst, L-G., Solem, S., Hansen, B., & Kvale, G. (2020). The Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Outcomes for Patients Treated After Initial Waiting List or Self-Help Intervention. Frontiers in Psychology

Launes, G., Hagen,K.,  Öst, L-G., Klovning, I.,  Laukvik, I.L., Sunde,T., & Himle,J.A., Solem, S.,  Hansen, B. & Kvale, G. (2019) A randomized controlled trial of concentrated ERP for obsessive-compulsive disorder: The Bergen 4-day treatment. Frontiers in Psychology.

Holm, S., Hansen, B., Kvale, G., Hagen, K., & Solem, S. (2019) The Bergen 4-day treatment for OCD: Can Sensitive Patients Benefit from Concentrated Exposure and Response Prevention Treatment? Journal of Obsessive- Compulsive and related disorders

Launes, G., Laukvik, I. L., Sunde, T., Klovning, I., Hagen, K., Solem, S., ... & Kvale, G. (2019). The Bergen 4-day treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder: Does it work in a new clinical setting? Frontiers in Psychology

Davíðsdóttir, S.,  Sigurjónsdóttir, O., Ludvigsdóttir, J.S,  Hansen, B.,  Laukvik, I.L.,  Hagen, K., Björgvinsson, T., Kvale, G. (2019) Implementation of the Bergen 4-day treatment for OCD in Iceland. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychiatry.

Hansen, B., Kvale, G., Hagen, K., Havnen, A., & Öst, L.-G (2019). The Bergen 4-day treatment for OCD: Four years follow-up of concentrated ERP in a clinical mental health setting. Journal of Cognitive and behavioral therapy

Kvale, G.,  Hansen, B., Björgvinsson, T., Børtveit, T., Hagen, K., (…), & Öst, L-G. (2018) Successfully treating 90 patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in eight days: A novel clinical model for studying basic mechanisms of plasticity. BMC Psychiatry

Hansen, B., Kvale, G., Hagen, K., Hjelle, K.M., Bø, B., Solem, S., and Öst, L-G (2018) The Bergen 4-day treatment for Panic Disorder: A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology.

Hansen B., Hagen K., Öst L.-G., Solem S., Kvale G. (2018). The Bergen 4-Day OCD Treatment Delivered in a Group Setting: 12-Month Follow-Up Frontiers in Psychology.

Hagen, K., Solem, S., Opstad, H. B., Hansen, B., & Hagen, R. (2017). The role of metacognition and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in psychosis: an analogue study. BMC psychiatry

Hagen, K., Solem, S., Opstad, H. B., Vogel, P. A., Kennair, L. E. O., Kvale, G., & Hansen, B. (2016). Therapist Variability in the Task/Goal Dimension of the Early Working Alliance Predicts Outcome in Exposure and Response Prevention Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychiatry

Øvrehus, E., Martinsen, A. S., Hagen, K., Hansen, B., & Kvale, G. (2016). Prevalence of personality disorders in patients with OCD and relationship to treatment outcome. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychiatry

Bendixen, M., Kennair, L. E. O., Ringheim, H. K., Isaksen, L., Pedersen, L., Svangtun, S., & Hagen, K. (2015). In search of moderators of sex differences in forced-choice jealousy responses: Effects of 2d: 4d digit ratio and relationship infidelity experiences. Nordic Psychology

Solem, S., Hagen, K., Wenaas, C., Haland, A. T., Launes, G., Vogel, P. A., Hansen, B., & Himle, J. A. (2015). Psychotic and schizotypal symptoms in non-psychotic patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. BMC Psychiatry.

Solem, S., Håland, Å. T., Hagen, K., Launes, G., Hansen, B., Vogel, P. A., & Himle, J. A. (2015). Interpersonal style in obsessive compulsive disorder. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist

Solem, S., Hagen, K., Hansen, B., Håland, Å. T., Launes, G., Lewin, A. B., Storch, E. A., & Vogel, P. A. (2015). Thought Content and Appraisals in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy

Vogel, P. A., Solem, S., Hagen, K., Moen, E. M., Launes, G., Haland, A. T., Hansen, B., & Himle, J. A. (2014). A pilot randomized controlled trial of videoconference-assisted treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy

Hagen, K., Solem, S., & Hansen, B. (2014). Cognitive behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder with comorbid schizophrenia: a case report with repetitive measurements. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy

Hagen, K., Solem, S., Larsen, T. K., Joa, I., Kvale, G., & Hansen, B. (2014). Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in patients with First-episode psychosis (FEP): A prospective study. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychiatry

Hagen, K., Hansen, B., Joa, I., & Larsen, T. K. (2013). Prevalence and clinical characteristics of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder in first-episode psychosis. BMC Psychiatry

Hjemdal, O., Vogel, P. A., Solem, S., Hagen, K., & Stiles, T. C. (2011). The relationship between resilience and levels of anxiety, depression, and obsessive–compulsive symptoms in adolescents. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy​​

Artiklar om forskingsgruppa

    Sist oppdatert 01.08.2023